Hey all! Welcome to Summertime.
June 15th marked the opening of our farm stand, which went swimmingly. We’re planning on opening up our friday farmstand hours July 12th, but we’re still a little unsure, so stay tuned! CSA is going great– we’ve got a couple of pictures the shares on our flickr, if you want to check them out.
So far we’ve worked through our spinach and radish crops, so sadly those are done for the season. Bok Choi and kohlrabi are still hanging in there, but only for another week or so– same goes for sweet peas. We just pulled up cilantro, and arugula today, but we have more of the arugula coming up soon! We’ve got lettuce, loose leaf and head, for a few more weeks, and Kale and Swiss Chard are going nuts. Scapes are gone, but fresh garlic is here, and the scallions are bangin’. We’ve spotted some really fat heads of broccoli, so we’re hoping to have some of those guys in the stand this saturday– not to mention a little birdy made mention of some early potatoes…
So we hope to see you all this Saturday at the stand, and be sure to stay cool!