Tested and tried, even changed a little in the Maine kitchen of Cher Jones
Have on hand, summer or crookneck squash, butter, sour cream, allspice,pimiento, Swiss
cheese, dry sherry, salt and pepper
Scrub 4 or more summer squash ( depending on size, one half per serving should be
sufficient). Trim blossom ends and steam whole for 20 minutes or until barely tender.
Cut in half and arrange side by side in a well buttered baking dish.
While squash is cooking, prepare sauce, by melting 3 Tablespoons butter.
Blend in 1 cup sour cream, 1/4 teaspoon allspice, 1 small can pimiento, with the juice,
1/2 cup grated Swiss cheese, 1/4 cup dry sherry, salt and pepper.
Stir until smooth.
Pour over squash. Bake at least 15 minutes at 350 degrees, serve immediately.