Enrollment is now open enrollment for our 2025 CSA. We still have some openings for Tuesday and Saturday pickups.

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), is a method of distributing the risks and rewards of farming with the community. By purchasing a share with us, you are not only getting 20 weeks of delicious, fresh and sourced exclusively from our farm, but you are helping us get a jump start on our finances for the growing season! This arrangement helps small farms to continue in your communities. Our goal is to exceed the weekly dollar value worth of produce at each pickup over the course of the season.

We run a traditional CSA that is sourced exclusively from our farm.  Most of our crops are harvested the day of pickup. You experience the natural variation that mother nature throws at us. No two years are exactly the same. We select the items that are packed into the share, if there is something you don’t like in your basket, please share with a friend or neighbor. Shares will be available for pickup on Tuesdays from 4pm to 6:00 pm and Saturdays from 2pm to 5 pm. Pickup day and time cannot be changed once selected.  If you cannot make it to a pickup, your share will not be held, so please designate a family or friend to pick it up for you! Our CSA model may not be a good fit for you if you expect to miss quite a few weeks or can’t commit to an assigned pick up schedule. This is a 20 week commitment to eating and cooking seasonal produce. Make the choice to eating healthier and change family dynamics and cook together .

Full shares are packed in half bushel baskets filled to the the brim and often beyond. The baskets contain between 8 to 14 different items. Many share holders have commented on the high diversity we provide in our shares. We concentrate on providing basics in shares, but we love diversity and are always trying new crops. We grew over a 100 different varieties of crops last year. The share tends to be enough for a family of two adults and two children. Some people don’t eat enough vegetables, some people eat more. Here are some examples of what we put into shares. It is not uncommon to augment the share with additional vegetables if you are a vegetarian or if your family eats a lot of vegetables. We put leafy green vegetables (kale, collards or Swiss chard) in almost every share.

Please support local farms. Joining a CSA a 20 week commitment. There are other CSAs in the region that you might consider joining if our pickup days and terms don’t suit you.

By purchasing a share you are investing your health and helping to build a community. We like to think that we grow more than just vegetables on the farm!

Sign up form

  • Pick up days are Tuesdays from 4:00pm to 6:00pm and Saturdays 2:00pm to 5:00pm
  • The CSA runs from June 10th through October 25th for a total of 20 weeks.
  • The cost of the 2025 full share is $945 .
  • Shares will be picked up on site, at 34 Glenn Road, in Belmont MA.
  • If you are unable to pick up your share, you may have a friend or family member pick up for you.
  • Shares MUST be picked up at scheduled time.
  • Shares will not be held; shares may not be picked up at alternative times.

Contact us if you would like more information or have additional questions about our CSA.